It was exam season in my sister's high school and I asked her how she did (like how we asians do) through Skype. She gave me a pretty sketchy answer and sometimes, none at all, just that sibling look all siblings inherently understand. "Which ones did you find easy at least?", I said and then she replied with "Meh, the typical ones, Religion, VALUES, P.E.". As our conversation went on, she eventually told me, "Picking answers in a multiple choice for Religion and VALUES is pretty easy. Just choose the one you're less likely to do." And that got me thinking.
What she was referring to were the situational questions a lot of "moral-oriented" subjects use as questions in multiple choice. For example, "When you see an abandoned kitty in the sidewalk, clearly malnourished and dying, what do you do?" a) leave it or b) take it home. Clearly the correct answer is b) and choose that one to get points. Now think of it this way: if put in a the real-life version of that situation, what would you do? You would most likely just leave that cat. Mom was allergic to cats or I barely have cash to feed myself, moreso a cat and many other reasons. B was the least likely answer for you to do and so it was the correct answer in the test.
I'm not going to pass any judgement on the educational system or human morals because I forsee myself doing that in future posts. This is just some food for thought. The irony just makes you laugh a bit.
The athletes who were not performing according to their abilities although they had all the capabilities are now able to understand their problems and have been able to rectify them. Educating the athletes about the different aspects of their sports and proper trainings based on those principles have resulted in very high class results.paraphrasing help