Thursday, November 13, 2014

Coming home from probably the longest IT Project defense in our batch, I'm pooped. Not only did the proposal go longer than expected, heavily inconveniencing the groups that come after us but also, it was there that I realized the reason why our department's curriculum and standing hasn't changed nor improved for years. The academe fears new technology.

Quite an ironically bold statement though and I'm sure many will disagree, and I concur, I'm sure not all of the academe is like this but hear me out. This is based on my experience after all. 

Despite our department supposedly being at the top of the latest news in the field of IT, with the teachers often going out of school to attend seminars and the like, it took us a good three-fourths of an hour to convince them that the idea of using a startup idea as an IT Project topic wasn't as absurd as it sounded. 

ashley uy
Sharing ideas with Gerald Yuvallos of iSTORYA.NET at SWC4

They held our topic in question because it "didn't have a client" unlike most of our other batch mates' reservation or inventory systems. As we continued to defend our topic, the matter of it "being too similar to a regular forum website" popped up. Considering the reservation system proposed by the group defending before us was approved by them, were they really going to talk about that in our project proposal?

We were bringing something new to the table for our department, our topic being the first online, startup-based project topic for our whole college in years and they still questioned us about it "being similar to other websites" where they have been approving the same inventory, reservation and monitoring systems in every IT Project batch for more than fifteen years?

In their defense though, I was eternally grateful that the Dean of our college and our Technical Adviser understood our concept and helped us with the panel. They understood the proposal and were open to the new idea, as new as it was in our college.

Although I do understand their other concerns but I was honestly expecting them to be more open to the idea of presenting something new and redefining for IT Projects in our college. One teacher even simply questioned the member selection of our group, arguing that "those who could program must be in separate groups". GOSH, so are you saying you'd have a student with potential be hindered to reach greatness JUST BECAUSE HE HAS MORE POTENTIAL than the other kinds in the batch? The irony of it all just made me laugh at the end.

Our project proposal was "doubtfully accepted".

11/19/2014 Update:

Teachers changed their minds because the project we proposed wouldn't fit into the format they have set for all the required documentation. Well, at least we tried.


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